This is a pesto cream sauce where you make the pesto ahead and freeze in portions to use for another night. I got this recipe from a restaurant in Green...
This is a pesto cream sauce where you make the pesto ahead and freeze in portions to use for another night. I got this recipe from a restaurant in Green...
Cajun cooking is a combination of French and Southern cuisine. It is robust, country style cookery-and so is this dish! Laissez le bon temp roulez and...
Protein-rich noodle soup that you can whip up in no time. Add all the ingredients in a portable container and just add water and egg when you are ready...
Cajun chicken pasta is easy and delicious. Cajun cooking combines French, Southern, and other influences. It's robust, country-style cookery, just like...
Shredded chicken and spaghetti stirred into a mixture of melted cheese, green onion, tomatoes, red and green chile peppers and creamy mushroom soup. A...
It's so hard to find recipes with Mizithra cheese other than the typical browned butter, so here is a new twist on an old favorite! Great for summer evenings!...
A mushroom and tomato sour cream sauce over chicken and egg noodles make this the unofficial chicken version of Beef Stroganoff! Serve with garlic bread,...
Sauteed chunks of chicken breast in tomatoes with fresh vegetables, served over penne pasta. My friends have passed this recipe around they like it so...
No canned soups were harmed in the making of this chicken spaghetti recipe, which showcases a whole bird. Other than requiring a little time, this recipe...
Rice is topped with chicken in a cream sauce, then garnished with cheese, tomato, onion, pineapple and coconut. This melody of flavors mixed together sounds...
A different and delicious way to enjoy chicken livers. To make this dish healthier, I like to use yolkless noodles. I have made this for many of my friends...
A quick and easy pasta dish made with mushroom soup and Italian seasoning that's sure to please even the fussiest eaters! (My two year old loves it!) Great...
Truly 'comfort food,' this yummy lasagna is a unique variation on a classic favorite. The white sauce complements the chicken and ham perfectly with just...
Top with shredded mozzarella before baking, if desired. Also an easy recipe to make in your Crock-Pot®--use no butter and add 1 cup of canned chicken...
My sister Julie has made this recipe for years and it has turned into a family favorite. Kids and adults love it and I love that it is easy to prepare...
This lasagna has just the right amount of zing to it. The key to this is the andouille sausage...probably not good for anyone counting calories either!...
This Riggie recipe simmers chicken breast in tomato sauce, cream, sherry, shallots, garlic and sweet peppers, and serves it all over hot, cooked rigatoni...
This Riggie recipe simmers chicken breast in tomato sauce, cream, sherry, shallots, garlic and sweet peppers, and serves it all over hot, cooked rigatoni...